Recommended Garages

As members, you will have access to mechanical and bodywork workshops in Quebec and Ontario

Accredited garages (Montreal only)

In addition to maintaining a standard of excellence in repair work, APA accredited shops will provide an expert’s report for APA members who are involved in disputes over inadequate repairs or defective new or used vehicles. APA’s accredited garages have a longstanding record of helping members with their court cases. An accredited garage will provide an expert witness on a member’s behalf for a fee of $400 per half-day in court, plus travel costs where applicable.

Recommended garages (Montreal and Quebec)

APA recommended shops are required to maintain the same standards of excellence as accredited garages and provide the members of the APA an expert’s report. However, they are not obliged to provide an expert witness in court and do not post the APA sign.

Recommended garages (Ontario)

APA recommended shops are required to maintain the same standards of excellence in repair work.

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